Wrinkle relaxers are used to carefully relax the specific facial muscles that cause upper facial lines to form. Treatment consists of several injections of a natural purified protein into specially selected locations using a very fine needle. The injection site may sting for a few seconds but discomfort is typically described as minimal and brief. Following treatment, there is usually a delay of 2 to 5 days before the muscles and expression lines will relax, full results may take up to 12 days from treatment date to properly establish. Results last on average 3 to 4 months. If you have repeat treatments, the effects will tend to last longer and lines will become more and more smooth after each treatment.
Treatment of a single area starts at $149. At Rejuva Clinic, this price includes a full and effective dose, and when required, reviews and top-up treatments. We are an experienced team and we offer two of the brands that are approved for use in Australia.
Please ask us about this world-famous medical treatment used to fight wrinkles, Contact us today for your free consultation.
[ls_toggle title=”TREATMENT AREAS”]
In the upper face there are three main “areas” of expression lines on the face that commonly benefit from treatment with wrinkle relaxing injections.
We call them
- the “crowsfeet” (treatment of both sets of crowsfeet next to both eyes on both sides of the face which is counted as “one area”);
- the “horizontal forehead lines” is another “area”;
- and the “glabellar” is another area (the vertical lines that appear between the eyebrows when frowning).
When we get to see you in person and watch your expressions and assess your skin, we will be able to discuss with you the benefits of treating each area as well as any possible risks as they relate to your particular features and your appearance goals. Deciding which and how many areas to treat is best done in partnership with your practitioner.
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The pricing of our wrinkle relaxing injections are determined on a “per area” basis. Current prices per area can be found on our Facebook page or by calling or emailing the clinic.
There are three different wrinkle relaxer brands that are approved for use in Australia. We are experienced at using all three brands. Our experience matches those of the scientific studies. Scientific studies show similar outcomes and length of action for all the three brands available in Australia. You should choose your brand after consultation with your practitioner. Prices quoted will depend on which brand of wrinkle relaxer that you select, prices are determined by our costs from suppliers and do not in anyway imply or warrant a better result simply because the cost may be higher.
Our experienced practitioners determine the best dose for each client to attempt to get the best overall result for each area treated. The effects of wrinkle relaxer injections take up to 9 days to fully work. For this reason it is necessary to wait at least 9 days before reviewing the results and evaluating whether additional dose is needed.
Included in the price of every wrinkle relaxing injections treatment is the opportunity to return between 10 and 21 days from your initial treatment for complimentary review of your results. This is popular for people who are having the treatment for the first time, but this opportunity is available to all our clients. If you have had treatments before and it’s a hassle to come in for a review it is not required to attend a review. You can instead wait until you see your results and decide at that time if you’d like to book the review.
If necessary, an extra dose may be administered at the review appointment. This is done at no charge, at the discretion of the clinic and the doctor.
We limit the extra dose to a maximum of 20% of the initial dose. If this extra dose is necessary, we keep a record of it, and at your next visit (when the first treatment is wearing off and it is time for another treatment) we can treat you with this larger dose (i.e. the sum of your initial dose plus your “top up” dose) which in most cases reduces the need for subsequent “top up” doses.
Remember, getting a bigger dose is not necessarily better. A dose that is too big can increase the risk of side effects.
[/ls_toggle][ls_toggle title=”WHAT IF I NEED A MUCH BIGGER DOSE THAN AVERAGE?”]
A small percentage of clients (in our experience this is less than 1% of individuals who have these treatments with us), due to unique biological factors, require doses even larger than our maximum dose (i.e. our recommended starting dose plus the top up dose).
We make our best effort to get the best possible result for each client, but we do not “guarantee” any particular result. Some people just have muscles that are too strong or metabolisms that just don’t respond as well to this medication compared to most other people. In cases where our maximum dose (plus top up) is not sufficient to relax your expression muscles to the extent desired, we are unable to give even bigger doses at no extra charge,
During your next consultation with us (after having a sub-optimal result with a maximum dose), we will discuss with you the options going forward. If medically appropriate (and this is at the discretion of the clinic and the doctor) additional dose can be purchased on a pro-rated basis. Many clients in this situation still find that they get satisfactory long term results by returning for regular treatments of the maximum dose.